Let's say I asked you "who do you spend the most time with?"
Likely most of you would respond with your family, spouse, kids, coworkers, pets, etc. These would all be decent answers, but not my top choice.
Next, I ask you "where do you spend the most time?"
This time, I'd likely hear at home, work, perhaps commuting or on the road. Again, not really false; but not really true.
I have one answer that is suitable for both of these questions.
You spend the most time with yourself, in your body. Your body is a vessel that transports you to where you go, and provides the structure for what you do. Its characteristics are what others see, and its functions determine how you feel. This is the standout reason that health is so valuable. Investing in your body's wellbeing yields payoff in every other aspect of your life.
As your personal trainer, this is the biggest takeaway I want you to receive. No doubt that I want for us to optimize your mobility, expand your work capacity, surge your strength, and improve your body composition. I would honestly love to turn you into the biggest badass in the gym. But, those things are irrelevant if they don't have carry over into your daily life.
My goal is for us to build your body into a fortress. One that is capable of withstanding the challenges thrown at it both inside and outside of the gym. However, our work will not begin or end with creating the physical infrastructure of your bodily fortress. It will involve a multidimensional approach to which mental and emotional growth are equally as important. I want you to be able to take the confidence built from enduring through demanding workouts with you into all other contexts. I want you to feel that you are prepared to conquer both the things you need, and desire to do.
Reliable methods designed and applied in an original manner. Based upon genuine intentions. Questioning ‘normal’ to ensure we act from a place of consideration and not to follow the crowd.
Utilizing creativity to impose novel demands. Riding the line between order and chaos to avoid stagnation and continue the process of growth and evolution both physically and mentally.
Ability to withstand and modify strategies according to the needs of the circumstance at hand. Enduring beyond being content to feeling fulfilled.
Holding myself to the highest level of commitment and value towards your needs, desires, and goals. However, expecting you to hold yourself to the same standard. The potential for success can only be maximized if we have a mutual investment in each other.
Always considering the multidimensional characteristics that distinguish one individual from another. Recognizing and embracing all differences.
Actions are made from a collected mindset, backed by logic and rationale applicable to the given situation.